26. Kai Kresse on the Anthropology of Philosophy

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An interview with Kai Kresse (pictured here with Ustadh Mahmoud Mau) who discusses his efforts to do "anthropology of philosophy" on the Swahili Coast.



Further Reading

• K. Kresse and A. Graness (eds), Sagacious Reasoning. H. Odera Oruka in Memoriam (New York: 1997).

• K. Kresse, “The Problem of How to Use African Language for African Thought. On a Multilingual Perspective in African Philosophy,” in African Philosophy 11 (1999), 27-36.

• K. Kresse, “Towards a Postcolonial Synthesis in African Philosophy: Conceptual Liberation and Reconstructive Self-Evaluation in the Work of Okot p'Bitek,” in O. Oladipo (ed.), Issues in African Philosophy: Essays in honour of Kwasi Wiredu (Ibadan: 2002), 215-32.

• K. Kresse, Philosophising in Mombasa: Knowledge, Islam and Intellectual Practice on the Swahili Coast (Edinburgh: 2007).

• K. Kresse, “Practising an Anthropology of Philosophy: General Reflections and the Swahili Context,” in M. Harris (ed.), Ways of Knowing: Anthropological Approaches to Crafting Experience and Knowledge (Oxford: 2007), 42-63.

• K. Kresse, “Can Wisdom be Taught? Kant, Sage Philosophy, and Ethnographic Reflections from the Swahili coast”, in M. Ferrari und G. Potworowski (eds), Teaching for Wisdom (Amsterdam: 2008), 189-206.

• K. Kresse and T. Marchand (eds), Knowledge in Practice: Expertise and the Transmission of Knowledge in Africa, special issue of Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 79 (2009).

• K. Kresse, “Enduring Relevance: Samples of Oral Poetry on the Swahili Coast,” in Wasafiri: Journal of Contemporary Writing 26 (2011),  46-9.

• K. Kresse and O. Nyarwath (eds), Rethinking Sage Philosophy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on and beyond H. Odera Oruka (Lanham: 2022).


In reply to by dukeofethereal

Peter Adamson on 26 April 2019


Don't worry, it's coming! We have it all mapped out, I just wanted to wait a bit until people had a chance to react to the list of upcoming Renaissance episodes. I'll post the list for the next Africana series in the coming week or so. Thanks for your interest!

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